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Dispatches from the Race War

Tim Wise, American activist, author and educator masterfully presents the facts about white

denial and white fragility in my latest show Dispatches From The Race War.

His insights span from a historical perspective to present day beliefs and practices. I am so grateful to have had Tim as a guest on my program. I took away so many valuable insights to use in my own life and,

as with every show, I wanted to share these insights with you in the hope that it will inspire you

to become aware of where you stand in the fight to disable racism.

Wise’s book, Dispatches From The Race War is a must read for all but especially for the

majority of white Americans who refuse to accept that racism is alive and well in our country.

The refusal to engage in a conversation about race or to debate about it without having your

blood-pressure rise should give you a hint that something is wrong and it’s not something

outside of yourself, it’s within you. If you deny that white privilege exists and you’re adamant

about it then I challenge you to read Wise’s books and you will find links to where you can

purchase them at my show’s website

I consider myself an anti-racist liberal. I believe we are all part of the same race: the human

race. Those are not just words I throw around; I live by them. Yet, I asked myself why I haven’t

taken more direct action to dismantle racism beyond marching and donating to Black Lives

Matter and Southern Poverty Law Center? Why am I not questioning my local school board

about why the teaching body has no people of color, or my local bank as to why there are no

employees of color. If there is no diversity where we live, bank and go to school, then how can

we ever become a society that is based on equality for all? My one question opened Pandora’s

Box for me. I was able to see that as a white woman I am living in a protected bubble

programmed by the same false narratives that feed our political, legal, economic, health care,

education, and criminal justice systems.

With every ounce of sincerity that I hold, I apologize to people of color across this nation, and

to indigenous people, and recent immigrants met with hate. The roots of systemic racism run

deep in America. It is not the job of people of color, indigenous people or immigrants to teach

white people how not to be racist. It is up to each of us to educate ourselves. I can’t change the

past but I can change the future by working on a daily basis to dismantle racism, bigotry and

hatred in the present.

To my talented, gorgeous, black friends who have had to work ten times harder than their

white counterparts to achieve success, I am humbled by your examples of compassionate

leadership and inspired by your refusal to give up on your dreams as you continue to fight for

equality. To all of you who find your way to this blog, I wish you an “aha” moment as you begin

2023. It’s a clean slate and you can create whatever you want with it. I invite you to join me in

the fight to dismantle racism.

Peace, love and gratitude,

Kathy Barrett



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